Stress, digestive disorders, chronic colic, deficiency of vitamins and minerals will cause behavioral and neurological problems in the horses. Toxins of harmful bacteria increase intestinal permeability and thereby damage the nervous system. Bilipro® Horse (as psychobiotic), reduces neurological and behavioral problems by improving these conditions.
Many of the problems of limbs such as laminitis, are direct result of the gastrointestinal microfloral imbalance and toxins secreted by gram negative bacteria. Bilipro ® Horse helps to prevent such damages by eliminating digestive pathogens and neutralizing the effects of toxins. Bilipro® Horse helps the skeleton and muscles balanced growth by improving the absorption of protein and mineral elements such as calcium and phosphorus.
Bilipro ® Horse improves the beauty and shining of the skin by inhibiting bacteria causing skin damage, improving the digestion and absorption of proteins and minerals, the production of vitamins and antioxidants. Bilipro ® Horse the growth and health of the hair by detoxifying blood and helping healthy circulation in the hair roots.