Ruminal pH stabilization:Decrease in ruminal pH and sub-acute ruminal acidosis (SARA) in high-carbohydrate rations of feed is one of the most prevalent complications in dairy industry. Bilipro® RumYeast through optimization of ruminal microbial condition, stimulating the growth of lactate utilizing bacteria, changing the biochemical pathways from lactate to propionate etc. leads to ruminal pH stabilization in optimal situation and inhibits SARA and its unwanted consequences.Stabilization of ruminal microflora:Ruminal microflora is a complex system of bacteria, yeasts, fungi and protozoa that help to digest and absorb the feedstuff in anaerobic condition. Bilipro® RumYeast through the synergism effect stimulates the growth of beneficial microorganisms. Also through several antagonism mechanism inhibits the growth of harmful microorganisms.